What makes you Divine?

What is divine and what makes you that way? What makes me divine can be taken a few different ways… Divine as DELICIOUS … “OH…

What is divine and what makes you that way?

What makes me divine can be taken a few different ways… Divine as DELICIOUS … “OH that’s just so yummy and delicious, I could just eat you up…”

Maybe a more spiritual approach… I am DIVINE essence and a MY SPARK is truly what makes be so unique and a gift to the world….

OR Let’s enjoy that divine spark – I believe that we all have a great message and it’s the spark that makes people feel us… the heat of inspiration.

My Divinity shows up

when I connect deeply to my clients

when my intuition takes a-hold of me

when my dreams become reality

when I have love in my heart

when my purpose gives me strength


I want to know…

~HOW are you DIVINE ~ please comment below